Facial Aesthetics

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Facial Aesthetics




What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections ?

Anti-wrinkle injections use Botulinum toxin.

Botox works by relaxing underlying muscles,

softening fixed lines and wrinkles and

preventing static lines from becoming


Botulinum toxin can be used to change the

balance between facial muscle groups and can

therefore be used to create lift, the so called

non-surgical brow lift.

Botox is used mainly to treat the upper portion

of the face, most commonly the forehead, the

frown and around the lateral eye which we call

crow’s feet. We tend to use botox on the

muscles that screw the face up. Botox will give

your face a fresher look.

At Kbm Dental we ensure that the cosmetic procedures we offer will always give our clients a natural look.


  • 1 Area: 250

  • 2 Areas: 300

  • 3rd Area Free


  • Is it painful ?

Most clients describe it as a scratch

  • When will I see results?

This can vary but we usually advise results will

be evident from between 4 days to 2 weeks.

  • How long will the results last ?

This can vary but we advise between 3-4 months.

  • Are Anti-wrinkle injections safe ?

Anti-wrinkle injections are tried and tested in

millions of treatments worldwide and they are

a safe, non-invasive cosmetic procedure.

There will always be some possible side effects that

we will explain pre treatment. Be aware that side

effects can include minor bruising at the site of

the injection.

  • Lip Fillers

Lip Augmentation is a treatment that can be offered to clients who want to add volume to their lips.

Dermal lip fillers allow the shape, volume plumping and profile of your lips to be perfected.

The way lips look can affect the expression of the whole face.

It is important that your lips remain unique to you, so we offer a range of products to suit the volume you choose.

What will you expect if you decide to have lip fillers placed ?

A more voluminous, shapely lip that suits your face best.

Profhilo :

Profhilo® is unique because instead of just "filling in" fine lines and wrinkles, it stimulates collagen production in the skin itself via its slow release of Hyaluronic acid. This :

  • plumps

  • hydrates

  • creates youthful firmer skin

This unique process is referred to as skin bio-remodelling.  Profhilo® was awarded the Aesthetics Award for Product Innovation of the Year.

Fewer Injections

Profhilo® is the choice for many people who don't like the idea of injections because:

  • It involves a smaller number of injections.

  • It entails only 2 injectable treatments four weeks apart.

If you are looking for as few injections as possible with as few chemicals as possible, but still get great results, Profhilo® may be the choice for you.


Email : kbmdental.grange@gmail.com